On the etymological attribution of certain non-Tibetan lexical elements in medieval Tibetan texts |
Anton Kogan (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; kogan_anton@yahoo.com) |
Journal of Language Relationship, № 20/3-4, 2022 - p.181-190 |
Abstract: In the present article an attempt is made to etymologize certain lexemes, attributed by medieval Tibetan writers to the language of the Bruzha region. This language is widely believed to be related to Burushaski, though some scholars reject such a hypothesis as unfounded. The author demonstrates that the Bruzha vocabulary known to us from Tibetan texts is, apparently, etymologically heterogeneous, some words showing probable Burushaski cognates.
The article also includes a special appendix dedicated to the etymological analysis of certain Zhangzhung lexical items for which Indo-Iranian origin seems to be the most likely. |
Keywords: etymology, language contact, lexical borrowing, Bruzha language, Burushaski language, Indo-Iranian languages, Zhangzhung language, Tibetan language |