On Tocharian A cognates of the Tocharian B words meaning ‘spleen’ and ‘liver’ |
Ilya B. Itkin (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences / National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; ilya.borisovich.itkin@gmail.com) |
Journal of Language Relationship, № 20/3-4, 2022 - p.177-180 |
Abstract: In 2022 A. Huard and R. Chen independently established that words meaning ʽspleenʼ and ʽliverʼ can be reliably identified in Tocharian B. These words, spalce (Acc spalc*) ʽspleenʼ and yakär* ʽliverʼ, go back to Indo-European. In this article, we show that the names of both of these organs can be identified with the same degree of reliability in Tocharian A, where they look as spälcäk and ykär. |
Keywords: Tocharian A language, Tocharian B language, Indo-European proto-language, basic lexicon, body part terms, Garbhāvakrāntisutra |