Towards specifying the phonological system of the language of the Caucasian Albanian palimpsests
Roman Lolua (Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi;
Journal of Language Relationship, № 16/1-2, 2018 - p.119-137
Abstract: The scientific study of Caucasian Albanian is one of the most topical problems of linguistic Caucasology. Despite notable progress in recent years, some issues of description of the phonological system and grammatical structure of Caucasian Albanian still require thorough research. The present paper aims to fill these gaps as thoroughly as possible and provide an alternative description of the phonological system of Caucasian Albanian, using, inter alia, elements of the comparative-historical method. More precise definition of phonemic values of the graphemes that constitute the Caucasian Albanian alphabet would be of great help to historical linguists interested in issues of historical phonology of Nakh-Dagestanian languages.
Keywords: Caucasian Albanian, phonological system, vowel system, consonant system, pharyngealization