Journal of Language Relationship no. 15/1-2 - 2017
PDF Frontmatter - p. i-xii
PDFAdiego, Ignasi-Xavier The longest Pisidian inscription (Kesme 2) - p. 1-18
PDFRieken, Elisabeth Word-internal plene spelling with {i} and {e} in Cuneiform Luwian texts - p. 19-30
PDFSimon, Zsolt Selected Pisidian problems and the position of Pisidian within the Anatolian languages - p. 31-42
PDFGarcía Trabazo, José Virgilio Über luw./heth. dMar(ku)waya- ‘Dunkle Gottheit(en), Unterweltgottheit(en)’ und ai. mr̥gá- ‘Wildtier’ als Reflexe schamanistischer idg. Vorstellungen [In German] - p. 43-50
PDFValerio, Miguel Λαβύρινθος and word-initial lambdacism in Anatolian Greek - p. 51-59
PDFVernet, Mariona Hi-inflected verbal *CóC-stems in Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic Luwian - p. 60-68
PDFCarvalho, Fernando O. de On Terena (Arawakan) -pâho ‘mouth’: Etymology and Implications for Internal Classification - p. 69-86
PDFStarostin, George Lexicostatistical Studies in East Sudanic I: On the genetic unity of Nubian-Nara-Tama - p. 87-113
PDFVasilyev, Mikhail; Saenko, Mikhail How accurate can glottochronology be? Dating language divergence on the basis of Romance data [In Russian] - p. 114-135
PDFRepanšek, Luka [Review] Blanca María Prósper. The Indo-European Names of Central Hispania. A Study in Continental Celtic and Latin Word Formation, 2016 - p. 136-140
PDFEgorov, Ilya; Bezlepkin, Alexander [Reports] XIIth annual conference in memory of S. A. Starostin. Moscow, RSUH, March 23–24, 2017 [In Russian] - p. 141-146